



|u| ≤0.5;

u- control;

x=( x1, x2)- state, a point on a plane.

Find the minimum time T* of moving the system from point on a plane x(0,0) into the point x(T)= (4,3);

x3(t)= 0t u(t)dt;

(and x(T)= 0T u(t)dt);

In fact the system is 2 dimensional since the point is moving on a plane (x1,x2).

T*~ 5.1277. x3[T*]=0.7605;

But you can solve the system in 3d space (x1, x2, x3). Then point is moving from (0,0,0) to( 4,5,0.7605).


The statement of problem you can see in [1] and in [2].

To make the problem clearer we can consider a geometric interpretation:

The velocity vector (x1’, x2’) makes angle x3 with Ox1 axis; the velocity modulo equals 1. In the start moment the x3(0)= 0, short-cut between points (0,0) and (4,3)equals 5, then optimal time will be more than 5. The best moving is along a straight line (the velocity vector coincides with the direction of the straight line) so we will try to achieve this.

Namely: set u= 0.5 and maintain this value until velocity vector coincides with the direction of the straight line. This moment is control switch point.

Solving equation: x3’=0.5, x3(0)= 0 we obtain x3(t)= 0.5t;

The moment of achieving of straight line (0,0)->(4,3) occurs when tg(x2’/x1’)=sin(0.5t)/cos(0.5t)=0.75, i.e. control switch point t1=2arctg(0.75) thus T*=t1+ρ, ρ – distance from (x1(t),x2(t)) to(4,3).

After control switch point u=0 (it does not change tg(x3)); then t1~1.5, x3(T*)=x3(t1)= arctg(0.75). Thus, classic variant of optinmal time control can be formulated as: find the minimal time for moving controlled system from point (0,0,0) to point (4, 3, arctg(0.75)) in 3 dimension space.





1.   Power W., Shich C. "Convergence of gradient-type methods for free final time problems"// AIAA Journal of Numerical Analysis 1976. 14, N11, 1598-1603.


2. Евтушенко Ю.Г. «Методы решения экстремальных задач и их применение в системах оптимизации».


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